Drop off & Pick up hours
You may schedule to drop off and pick up between the morning or afternoon hours. You do not need to choose a specific time between those hours. For example, if you're scheduled to drop off on a Monday morning, you can arrive any time between 8:00 and 9:00am. There are no off-hour drops or pick ups. TLC is not open to the public. You must have an appointment to visit the property.
Monday-Friday 8-9:00 am and 5-6:00pm
Sunday 9-10:00am and 4-5:00pm
Closed to people on Saturdays & major holidays.
Closed to everyone from 1/7/25-1/29/25
Please note, if you drop off in the morning and pick up the next morning you'll be charged for 1 night. If you drop off in the morning and pick up the next afternoon you'll be charged for 2 nights. The reason- I cannot put a dog in the room for the night if your dog is using the room until afternoon drop off/pick up hours.
What to Expect at Drop of/Pick Up
Drop offs & pick-ups are quick and easy. I will greet you in the driveway when you arrive to drop off at your scheduled time, so I can help you bring your Dog and his/her belongings into the Lodge. If you're a returning client and your dog is comfortable coming into the Lodge with me, you don't even have to leave your vehicle. I'll take your dog & items inside, and you are free to leave.
It is the same service when you pick up, I will bring your dog to you with his/her belongings when you arrive during you scheduled pick up time and help you get everything into your vehicle. I'll give you a quick summary of your dog's stay and answer any questions you may have. You may pay ahead of time via Venmo or Paypal, or hand me payment when you pick up. If I'm already with a client, it is best to wait in the driveway until the previous client has their dog safe in the car before you proceed. While all of my friends who stay with me are wonderful, they do not all like each other & not all are friendly to everyone. Please be cautious when dropping off and picking up. All dogs should be brought in & out of your vehicle on leashes.